Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 16:
Fibular Free Flaps
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47. Taylor, G.I., and Watson, N.: One stage repair of compound leg defects with free vascularized flaps of groin skin and iliac bone. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 61:494, 1978.

48. O'Brien, B.Mc.C., Morrison, W.A., MacLeod, A.M., and Dooley, B.J. Microvascular osteocutaneous transfer using the groin flap and iliac crest and the dorsalis pedis flap and second metatarsal. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 32:188, 1979.

49. Ostrup, L.T., and Fredrickson, J.M.: Reconstruction of mandibular defects after radiation, using a free, living bone graft transferred by microvascular anastomoses: An experimental study. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 55:563, 1975.

50. Tamai, S.: Osteocutaneous transplantation: Iliac osteocutaneous neurosensory flap. In Microsurgical Composite Transplantation. Edited by D. Serafin and H.J. Buncke, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1979, pp. 391-397.

51. Taylor, G.I., Townsend, P., and Corlett, R.: Superiority of the deep circumflex iliac vessels as the supply for free groin flaps: Experimental study. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 64:595, 1979.


52. Tuli, S.M.: Bridging of bone defects by massive bone grafts in tumorous conditions and in osteomyelitis. Clin. Orthop. 87:60-73, 1972.

53. Dell, P.C., and Sheppard, J.E.: Vascularized bone grafts in the treatment of infected forearm non-unions. J. Hand Surg. 9A:653, 1984.

54. Campbell, C.J., and Alebarnia, B.A.: Giant-cell tumor of the radius treated by massive resection and tibial bone graft. J. Bone Joint Surg. 57-A.982-986, 1975.

55. Dahlin, D.C., Cupps, R.E., and Johnson, E.W., Jr.: Giant-cell tumor: A study of 195 cases. Cancer 25:10611070, 1970.

56. Moore, J.R., Weiland, A.J., and Daniel, R.K.: Use of free vascularized bone grafts in the treatment of bone tumors. Clin. Orthop. 175:39, 1983.

57. Higinbotham, N.L., and Coley, B.L.: The treatment of bone tumors by resection and replacement with massive grafts. Instruct. Course Lectures, Amer. Acad. Orthop. Surgeons. 7:26-33, 1950, Ann Arbor, J.W. Edwards.

58. Lawson, T.L.: Fibular transplant for osteoclastoma of the radius. J. Bone Joint Surg. 34B:74-75 1952.

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