Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 27:
Autogenous Jejunal Transplantation
  FIG. 27-15. Preoperative view. Patient's neck reconstruction was closed with multiple local flaps, with prominent scarring and contracture. A cervical fistula has developed, draining from the right submandibular area.

FIG. 27-16. Because of the scarring produced by previous reconstruction, the deep vascular structures are isolated to ascertain if there are suitable recipient vessels available.

FIG. 27-17. Lateral view. The jejunal segment has been transplanted to the neck and revascularized by the superior thyroidal artery and external jugular vein.

FIG. 27-18. Anterior view. The proximal laryngeal-jejunal anastomosis must be made deep in the neck at the base of the tongue, posterior wall closure. Single layer of sutures (see text).

FIG. 27-19. Anterior wall closure.

FIG. 27-20. At 10 days postoperatively, after contrast studies, the patient is permitted liquids by mouth.


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