Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 35:
Preoperative and Postoperative Care

   ___ No restriction
   ___ Keep _______elevated
   ___ Wheelchair and instructions
   ___ Crutches and instructions

   ___ No restrictions
   ___ No caffeine
   ___ Other

   ___ No smoking
   ___ Keep dressing clean and dry
   ___ Keep splint in place
   ___ Dressing changes (list)
   ___ Dressing supplies (list)
   ___ Other equipment for home use
   ___ Transport vehicle needed

   ___ Physical / occupational therapy
   ___ Home health care
   ___ Return office visit:
   ___ Call the office for problems, including increased pain, redness, or drainage

Fig 35-03. Discharge orders (see Chapters 36 and 37 for detailed explanations).


1. Shires, T.G., Canizaro, P.C., and Lowry, S.F.: Fluid, electrolyte and nutritional management of the surgical patient. In Principles of Surgery. 4th Edition. Edited by S.I. Schwartz. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1984.


2. Demling, R.H.: Preoperative care. In Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment. 7th Edition. Edited by L.W. Way. Lange, Los Altos, 1985.

3. Lewis, F.R., Krupski, W.C., and Trunkey, D.D.: Management of the injured patient. In Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment. 7th Edition. Edited by L.W. Way. Los Altos, Lange, 1985.

4. Pelligrini, C.A.: Postoperative care. In Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment. 7th Edition. Edited by L.W. Way. Los Altos, Lange, 1985.

5. Dreskovich, M.R., and Carrico, C.J.: Trauma: Management of the acutely injured patient. In Textbook of Surgery. 13th Edition. Edited by D.C. Sabiston. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1986.

6. Hunt, T.K.: Disorders of repair and their management. In Fundamentals of Wound Management. T.K. Hunt and J.E. Dunphy. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1979.

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