Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 28:
Multiple Microvascular Transplants

FIG. 28-60. Useful strong key pinch.


1. Ohtsuka, H., Katsuyuki, T., and Nobuyuki, S.: Two toe-to-finger transplants in one hand. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 60:561, 1977.

2. Buncke, H.J.: The role of microsurgery in hand surgery. Presidential Address-American Society of Surgery of the hand. J. Hand Surg. 6:533-536, 1981.

3. Buncke, H.J.: Aesthetic aspects of hand surgery-microsurgical approach with multiple-free tissue transfers. Clin. Plast. Surg. 8:349-355, 1981.

4. Rose, E.R., and Buncke, H.J.: Simultaneous transfer of the right and left second toes for reconstruction of amputated index and middle fingers in the same hand-Case report. J. Hand Surg. 5:590, 1980.

5. Gordon, L., Leitner, D.W., Buncke, H.J., and Alpert, B. S. Hand reconstruction for multiple amputations by double microsurgical toe transplantation. J. Hand Surg. 1OA:218, 1985.

6. Wei, F-C., Chen, H-C., Chuang, C-C., and Noordhoff, M.S.: Simultaneous multiple toe transfers in hand reconstruction. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 81:366, 1988.


7. Duncan, M.J., Manktelow, R.T., Zuker, R.M., and Rosen, I.B.: Mandibular reconstruction in the radiated patient: The role of osteocutaneous free tissue transfers. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 76:829, 1985.

8. Acland, R.D.: Microvascular surgery for reconstruction of the head and neck. In Ariyan, S., Cancer of the Head and Neck. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1987.

9. Taylor, I.G.: Invited discussion. J. Reconstr. Microsurg. 3:181, 1987.

10. Yu, Z-J.: Combined transplantation of free tissues. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 79:222, 1987.

11. Yu, Z-J.: The use of bilateral latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps for cover of large soft tissue defects in the lower limbs of children. J. Reconstr. Microsurg. 4:83, 1988.

12. Whitney, T.M., Buncke, H.J., Lineaweaver, W.C., and Alpert, B.S.: Reconstruction of the upper extremity with multiple microvascular transplants Analysis of method, cost, and complications. Presented at the American Association of Hand Surgery Meeting, Toronto, October 1, 1988.

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