Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 33:
Secondary Reconstruction After Replantation
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59. Dellon, A.L.: Sensory recovery in replanted digits and transplanted toes: A review. J. Reconstr. Microsurg. 2:123, 1986.

60. Hall, E.H., and Buncke, H.J.: Microsurgical techniques to reconstruct irreparable nerve loss. Orthop. Clin. N. 12:381, 1981.


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62. Manktelow, R.T., and McKee, N.H.: Free muscle transplantation to provide active finger flexion. J. Hand Surg. 3:416, 1978.

63. Argenta, L.C., Watanagbe, M.J., and Grabb, W.C.: The use of tissue expansion in hand and neck reconstruction. Ann. Plast. Surg. 11:31, 1983.

64. Manders, E.K.: Schender, M.J., Furrey, J.A., et al.: Soft tissue expansion: Concepts and complications. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 74:493, 1984.

65. Argenta, L.C., Marks, M.W., and Pasyk, K.A.: Advances in tissue expansion. Clin. Plast. Surg. 12:159, 1985.

66. Chen, Z-W., and Yu, H-L.: Current procedures in China on replantation of severed limbs and digits. Clin. Orthop. 215:15, 1987.

67. Ilizarov, G.A.: Limb deformities with shortening. In External Fixation and Functional Bracing. Edited by R. Coombs, S. Green, and A. Sarmiento, London, Orthotexts, 1989.

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