Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 35:
Preoperative and Postoperative Care
  DAY 2
1. D5 1/2 NS with 20 mg KCL/liter and 125 cc/hr IV.
2. NPO after midnight tonight.
3. Consent for left latissimus dorsi free flap to left leg.
4. Ancef 1 g IV at 6:30 am tomorrow.**
5. Check groin and left leg pulses post angiogram routine.
6. ASA 250 mg.

** Assumes that wound cultures do not suggest a better choice.

FIG. 35-01. Typical preoperative orders for an elective surgery. A. Typical admission orders (including preoperative angiogram). B. Typical preoperative orders (night before OR).


1. NPO
2. Bed rest
3. Elevate ( ) on pillows at all times
4. VS q ______ or per _______ routine
5. Keep patient warm at all times
6. Dressing
   __ Xeroform gauze to flap window
   __ Heparin soaked sponge to nail bed
   __ Clean towel beneath dressing
   __ Towel and K-pad over dressing
   __ Other
7. Cough, deep breath q 1 hour while awake
8. Reinforce no smoking
9. Other


1. Vascular checks to ______Q 1 hour X ______ Check color, turgor, and capillary refill
2. Fluoroscein-check as per fluorimeter protocol q _______hr
3. Doppler examination to _______ q _______
4. Call physician if temp > 38.5, p < 60 > 120, BP syst < 100 or diastolic > 100, urine output less than cc/hr

  5. Other


1. Antibiotics: _______
2. 10% LMW Dextran-40 in DSW @ _______cc/hr
3. IV fluid _______
4. ASA _____ (240 mg PO or per rectum qd in an adult)
5. Thorazine _______(10 mg PO or IM q 8 hrs in adults)
6. Heparin _______
7. Compazine 10 mg q6hr LM PRN nausea
8. MS _______to _______ IM q2-3hrs PRN for pain
9. Tylenol with codeine 30 mg _______to _______ q _______ hr
10. Laxative _______
11. Halcion 0.25 mg PO qhs PRN sleep
12. Fluorescein inj 10% ml IV q _______ hr
13. Fluorescein inj 10% 0.5 ml q _______hr
14. Other

Input and Output

1. Urine output q _______ hr.
2. Record drain outputs q shift. List drains _______
3. Other


1. in recovery room _______
2. in am _______
3. X ray _______
4. Other _______

Fig 35-02. Postoperative orders (see Chapters 36 and 37 for detailed explanations).

Discharge patient today or _______

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