Microsurgery: Transplantation and Replantation by Harry J. Buncke, MD, et al.
  Table of Contents / Chapter 36:
  41. Fernandez, E., Nadal, R.D., Gonzalez, S.M., and Caffee, H.H.: The effect of stasis on a microvascular anastomosis. Microsurgery 4:176, 1983.

42. Cooley, B.C., Jones, M.M., and Dellon, A.L.: Comparison of efficacy of thrombolysin, streptokinase, and urokinase in a femoral vein clot model in rats. Microsurgery 4:1, 1983.

43. Puckett, C.L., Misholy, H., and Reinisch, J.: The effects of streptokinase on ischemic flaps. J. Hand Surg. 8:101, 1983.

44. Hendel, P.M.: Pharmacologic agents in microvascular surgery. In Symposium on Clinical Frontiers in Reconstructive Microsurgery. Edited by H.J. Buncke and D.W. Furnas. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1984.

45. Zide, B., Buncke, H.J., and Finseth, F.: A study of the treatment time necessary for the vasodilator drug isoxuprine to prevent necrosis in a skin flap. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 33:383, 1980.

46. Kerrigan, C.L., and Daniel, R.K.: Pharmacologic treatment of the failing skin flap. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 70:541, 1982.

47. Kerrigan, C.L., and Daniel, R.K.: Skin flap research. Ann. Plast. Surg. 13:383-387, 1984.

48. Manson, P.N., Anthenelli, R.M., Im, M.J., et al.: The role of oxygen-free radicals in ischemic tissue injury in island skin flaps. Ann. Surg. 198:87, 1983.


49. Zdeblick, T.A., Shaffer, M.D., and Feld, G.A.: An ischemic-induced model of revascularization failure of replanted limbs. J. Hand Surg. 10:125, 1985.

50. Hergrueter, C.A., Handren, J., Kersh, R., and May, J.W.: Human recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator and its effect upon surgical microvascular thrombosis in the rabbit. Surg. Forum 36:615, 1985.

51. Jurell, G., and Fredholm. B.B.: Early changes in ATP and cyclic AMP levels in experimental critical skin flaps. Acta Physiol. Scand. 113:33, 1981.

52. Jurell, G., and Hjemdahl, P.: Degeneration release of noradrenalin in skin flaps in rats. Acta Physiol. Scand. 133:289, 1981.

53. Brosseau, D.A., Clark, I.V.L., Rubin, S.M., et al.: Tolerance to warm ischemia after topical nitroglycerine and a prostaglandin E2 analog. Surg. Forum 36:591, 1985.

54. Reus, W.F., Murphy, R.C., Heggars, J.P., et al.: Effect of intra-arterial prostacylin on survival of skin flaps in the pig. Ann. Plast. Surg. 13:29, 1984.

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